Appstle℠ Subscriptions and Memberships

Embed the most powerful subscriptions and memberships tools in Shopify directly on the new account page
January 5, 2024

🍾 Appstle℠ Subscriptions and Appstle℠ Memberships, two best-in-class Shopify apps, now integrate with Froonze Customer Accounts.  This allows embedding Appstle's customer panels directly in our new account widget. Customers can manage their subscriptions and memberships conveniently within the customer portal. A central location where customers can manage self-service functions & enjoy the best experience.

Table of contents

What's this Integration about

Appstle℠ Subscriptions and Appstle℠ Memberships are two of the most popular apps on Shopify. With them you can create and manage subscription plans and membership programs for your products and customers. Both apps are packed with features, making them a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

With Appstle℠ Subscriptions you can create product subscriptions in just a few clips. And set them up with valuable features that will help you maximize profit and increase recurring orders. Like automatic order creation, free product offers, discounts, and recurring payment support. Appstle℠ Memberships offers end-to-end memberships functionality. From plan creation & management to tiered perks, and member billing. With it you can easily set up multiple tiered plans to foster loyalty.

Our integration with Appstle's apps adds new tabs to the navigation in the new account widget. You can add one or both Subscriptions and Membership tabs. When clicked, the Subscription and Membership customer panels will load within the account page. The integration provides customers with a central location where they can easily find and manage themselves the functions they need.

Appstle Subscriptions integrated with Froonze Customer Portal

How to enable the Integration

Enabling the integration is rather simple, but there are a few steps you need to take:

  • Of course first you'd need to install the apps you'll be integrating. On one side our Customer Accounts Concierge. And on the other one or both Appstle℠ Subscriptions and Appstle℠ Memberships
  • Make sure the Integrations plugin is enabled in our app. This will allow you to enable this and other app integrations in our settings
  • Go to Settings > Account Page > Integrations
  • If you want to integrate Subscriptions, select Appstle℠ Subscriptions and toggle it on. If you want to integrate Memberships, select Appstle℠ Memberships and toggle it on.
  • Click Save in the top right corner and it's done. Both panels should now be integrated in the new account widget.
Integration panel Froonze Customer Account Concierge
Appstle Memberships integrated with Froonze Customer Portal

Other Questions

Can I set up Subscriptions or Memberships in Shopify without an app?

No, Shopify doesn't provide these features and rely on third-party apps to deliver the services.

What is the integration between Customer Accounts and Appstle about?

The integration gets Appstle customer panels in the new account widget of Customer Accounts Concierge. Customers can manage their subscriptions and memberships conveniently within the customer portal. A central location where customers can manage self-service functions & enjoy the best experience.

Do I need a paid plan in any of the apps?

You would need to subscribe to our Integrations plugin, one of the plugins in our flexible plugin system.

Appstle℠ Memberships plans depend on the number of members, and is free up to 50 members. Appstle℠ Subscriptions plans depend on the monthly subscription revenue and free up to $500/month.

Why are Appstle℠ Subscriptions and Appstle℠ Memberships popular choices on Shopify?

Both apps are among the most popular on Shopify due to their efficient subscription plans and membership programs. Their feature-packed nature makes them suitable for businesses of all sizes. They help maximize profit by increasing recurring orders and fostering loyalty.

Are there any other integrations with Subscription apps available in Customer Accounts Concierge?

Yes. Customer Accounts Concierge integrates with some other Subscription and Memberships Shopify apps. If you want to know more about our available integrations you can find them here.

Troubleshooting. Subscriptions tab won't load

You might see an error where the Subscriptions tab doesn't finish loading and the spinner keeps spinning. This could mean that the version of Appstle's customer portal may need to be updated in the Appstle settings. Go to your Appstle Dashboard>Shop Settings>Customer Portal Mode. And change to an iFrame version of your portal, then Update and check if the problem is solved on the account page. If you have any question about this or other issues, just contact us.

Subscription panel spinning trouble
Appstle Subscriptions Customer portal mode
Froonze Customer Accounts Concierge
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