
Our flexible system of optional plugins allows you to select and pay only the functionality you need. All prices are flat monthly fees and will be applied after the 14-day free trial period, as shown in the table below:

Plugin Description Price (USD)
Wishlist Let your customers add products to wishlist, add wishlist page on customer account page

For stores with up 100 monthly orders

All features!

Advanced $10

For stores with up 500 monthly orders

All features!

Premium $20

For stores with up 1000 monthly orders

All features!

Unlimited $40

Unlimited monthly orders

All features!

$0 - 40
Loyalty Program Loyalty Program helps you increase sales by incentivizing your customers to stay with your brand and purchase more. Creating a fully functional loyalty program just takes minutes

For stores with up 100 monthly orders

Flexible point system

Multi-language support

Email notifications with fully customizable templates

Advanced $10

For stores with up 500 monthly orders

Everything in the Free plan

Referral Program

Integrations with, PushOwl and Shopify Flow

Premium $30

For stores with up 1000 monthly orders

Everything in the lower plans

Customer tags blacklist

Shopify POS checkout

Unlimited $60

Unlimited monthly orders

Everything in the lower plans

$0 - 60
Customer Account Widget Customer Account Widget replaces default Shopify account page UI with a beautiful and functional customer portal. The widget greatly enhances the usability, look and feel of your account page, including features such as: custom pages, password reset, reorder button, multi-language support, order history, profile, addresses and more. Find out more

For stores with up 100 monthly orders

Advanced $5

For stores with up 500 monthly orders

Premium $15

For stores with up 1000 monthly orders

Unlimited $25

Unlimited monthly orders

$0 - 25
Custom Forms Build custom registration and profile forms. Add unlimited custom fields which are saved in customer metafields
Basic $6

All standard Shopify fields for profile and address

Registration and profile forms

Custom fields(metafields)

Email verification

Unlimited submissions and customers

2 forms


More features are coming!

Advanced $12

Everything in the Basic plan

Account approval

File Upload

More features are coming!

Premium $30

Everything in the Basic & Advanced plans

Unlimited forms

Shopify Flow integration

Klaviyo: Email Marketing & SMS

More features are coming!

$6 - 30
Social Login Let your customers log in seamlessly using a social platform of their choice
Basic $2

Log in with Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon and Microsoft

Unlimited logins

Custom API keys

Customer tagging

Custom CSS

Multi language

Advanced $4.5

Everything in the Basic plan

Google One Tap

Log in with Apple

Shopify Multipass

$2 - 4.5
Cancel Order Button Let your customers cancel orders which are not yet fulfilled
Single Plan $4
Froonze Customer Accounts Concierge
Get the app today
Turn the account page into a beautiful portal with
Froonze Customer Accounts Concierge
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